Dr. Phillip Lectures at the Scarborough Library

The Trinbago Diaspora Outreach Network recently held a successful event at the Scarborough Library, where college students from California had the opportunity to hear a thought-provoking lecture on the topic of emigration from our Chairman, Dr. Andre Phillips.

Dr. Phillips covered a wide range of topics related to emigration, including the origin of emigration, key routes, patterns of migration, and methods to sustain local interest and emblems. He also discussed the benefits of diaspora engagement, both social and economic.

One of the key points that Dr. Phillips emphasized was the importance of shifting the focus from brain drain to brain gain. He explained that by engaging with diaspora communities, we can tap into the valuable knowledge, skills, and resources that they possess, and harness them for the benefit of our home country.

The lecture was well-received by the students, who were actively engaged in the discussion and had many questions for Dr. Phillips. We were pleased to see such a great turnout and engagement from the students, and we would like to thank the Scarborough Library for hosting us and Dr. Phillips for sharing his knowledge and insights on this important topic.

Overall, the event was a great success, and we hope to continue to reach out and engage with diaspora communities in the future. Below you can find small clips from the Lecture.

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