Homecoming T&T 2022 (Reconnect! Rediscover! Rejuvenate!)

There’s a lot happening in T&T next year as the country marks sixty years of nationhood.

Trinbago Diaspora Outreach Network (TDON) is spearheading a series of events in Trinidad and Tobago for August 2022 with the specific intention to encourage our T&T diaspora worldwide to gather on home soil in the month that marks the 60th Independence Anniversary of Trinidad and Tobago.

According to Dr. Andre Phillips – a diaspora engagement specialist who is the founder of the non-profit organisation TDON, ‘strong interface of our global diaspora and local communities in Trinidad and Tobago is overdue’. The proposed Homecoming TT (Reconnect 2022) is a wide-ranging extravaganza that allows diaspora visitors to become immersed in TT culture and lifestyle, showcases patriotic efforts by groups and individuals in diasporic communities, and exposes members of our diaspora communities to new areas for philanthropic support to communities in T&T. Trinidad and Tobago migrant population overseas exceeds 300,000 with more than two- thirds residing in the USA, followed by Canada and the UK.

Homecoming T & T 2022 will boast of culinary events across TT, re-enactments of cultural and historical significance: the first ever TT Diaspora Summit which will address development solutions for our twin island Republic; plus numerous sporting and recreational activities.

Homecoming T&T 2022 in August encourages families to reunite, school alumni to gather alongside persons who worked or played sports together before opting to migrate.

Homecoming T&T 2022 – reconnect ! rediscover ! rejuvenate!

2 thoughts on “Homecoming T&T 2022 (Reconnect! Rediscover! Rejuvenate!)”

  1. As Trini National resident in London, l cannot express my excitement enough of how ceative and resourceful this organization is. If you have been abroad for decades and have few living relatived; this organization will be an invaluable reconnect as well as helping to explore uncharted terrain via tours and board stops. Taking pressure off relatives.

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