Exploring New Horizons: Fruitful Discussions at Toronto Consulate

Dr. Andre Phillips and Claire Kirk, (TDON Canadian-based Board Director), convened with Consul General Tracy Ramsubhag-Manette at the Toronto Consulate. This significant meeting on August 21st was set in motion by the Consul General’s invitation, aimed at bolstering ongoing and upcoming initiatives through collaborative support.

TDON Excited To Appear In The Trinidad Express News Paper

Trinidad Express

TDON is happy to announce that we’ve appeared In The Trinidad Express News Paper. Their article highlight the various events of Homecoming TT as well as our mission as a non-profit to foster harmonious and systematic engagement between the (T&T) Diaspora.

Dr. Andre Phillips (TDON Founder) does an interview with FRESHFM RADIO LONDON

fresh fm thumbnail

Dr. Andre Phillips (TDON Founder) performs an interview with the FRESH FM Radio London located in the UK. He outlines the activities for our upcoming event Homecoming T&T 2022, as well as the mission of The Trinbago Diaspora Outreach Network.

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